A review by queerlitloft
Fury's Bridge by Brey Willows


Where to start?

This is a re-read of my all-time favourite book (and series for that matter), the first in the Afterlife Inc. trilogy, in preparation for starting the author’s A Memory’s Muses series, which is also set in the Afterlife Inc. universe.

To be clear, in saying this is my favourite book, I really do mean F-A-V-O-U-R-I-T-E book. If I could only read one book for the rest of my life, this would be it, without a shadow of a doubt.

Whenever I start to read this series I’m incessantly excited to delve back into the amazing world that Willows’ has created for her readers. And without fail, every time I reach the end of Fury’s Bridge (or any of the other books in the series), I desperately hope that the Afterlife Inc. world is real, and that I simply just don’t know it, yet! It’s a world I can completely immerse myself into. One where Willows’ expertise at her craft, produces an endless array of avenues for a reader’s imagination to run wild down, time and time again.

And the protagonists who are running amok with your imagination are none other than, Alectho (Alec) Graves – an avenging, smoking hot, bad-ass mythical (Greek) fury, and Selene Perkton – philosophy professor, logical thinker and all round ordinary human being, or so she thinks…As Alec and Selene’s relationship begins to blossom and grow, the weight of the truth weighs heavily on Alec’s shoulders, but telling Selene the truth will change everything. Can Alec simultaneously tear apart Selene’s belief system and hold onto the unexpected love she’s found? Can Selene forgive Alec and come to terms with her universe being turned upside down in order to save both humanity and the gods?

Only time and a hell of a lot of soul searching will tell…

Unfortunately for both Alec and Selene, time is of the essence if the gods are to be prevented from fading away entirely. But Alec has her work cut out for her because, where there’s good, there’s also bad, and the dark side have thrown their weight behind atheist and philosopher celebrity, Frey Falconi, in the hopes of bringing Selene into the darkness, so that chaos can rule.

The nuts and bolts of Fury’s Bridge revolve around the key concepts of religion, philosophy and mythology. Through the thoughts, feelings and experiences of Alec and Selene, readers are introduced to two opposing discourses; religion and faith, and philosophy and logical thinking. Whilst at first glance, this might appear to be a ‘heavy’ book, it’s actually anything but. Sure, the juxtaposition of religion and philosophy certainly lends itself to engaging questions and material for readers to ponder over, but Willows compliments this with healthy splurges of wit and humour, and did i mention the hot sex with a fury…a fury that has wings, and fangs…

Despite the core of this story being grounded in religion, the author does a fantastic job of treading the line between exploring opposite positions without leaning one way or another, nor forcing any particular viewpoint onto readers. If you’re the type of reader who’d see the word ‘religion’ and run a mile, let me reassure you – this isn’t that type of book. Instead the book reads like an imaginative playground, where anything is possible and the fun is in submerging yourself into the Afterlife Inc. world and seeing where you end up.

In my opinion, Willows has a creativity and quality to her writing that few can match. It takes significant expertise to produce a world and characters that are truly palpable – like I could step outside of my front door and not bat an eyelid at seeing Jesus in a tank top and board shorts, marketing his new clothing line.
Because that is the real world, right?
It’s no surprise then, that I’ve yet to find another book which has drawn me in so completely, whilst still hitting the bullseye for intriguing plot and well developed characters. For me, Fury’s Bridge stands out from the crowd for a reason, the story is different and unusual, whilst still retaining all the hallmarks of a fantastic piece of writing. I mean where else would you find Zed (aka Zeus) still with his lightning bolt, but now answering prayers via email and riding around in a convertible BMW?!

If you haven’t read this book, you’re denying your imagination the time of its life!