A review by divapitbull
Why the Devil Stalks Death by L.J. Hayward


Why the Devil Stalks Death

5 stars despite some annoyances because 1. I LOVE Ethan, 2. I love Ethan and Jack together and 3. I mostly like (although he severely tested my patience in this one) Jack. In this second full-length novel in the trilogy we are back to the “Before” and “After “organizational plot device from the first book. It works even less well here than it did in Where Death Meets the Devil -which is to say…Not at all. Switching between Before and After is enough to give you whiplash. It’s confusing, disjointed and annoying. It’s a testament to the core story – the relationship between Ethan and Jack – that it is enjoyable and engaging enough to transcend the way in which their story is told.

It's been 4 months since jack and Ethan parted in Vietnam and Jack is starting to have his doubts about whether Ethan really is going to follow through with moving in with him (I mean hell, he doesn’t even know where he is). It’s a good thing that his job with The Office of Counterterrorism and Intelligence keeps him busy hunting terrorists. Jack returns home to find Victoria in his garage around the same time that he is given an undercover assignment as – more or less himself. He is going undercover as his cover for his covert secret job in the clandestine Office. He is going undercover as Specialist Security Advisor Jack Reardon from the International Security Office– loaned to the Melbourne police department’s newly minted Infinity Strike Force tracking a serial killer known as The Judge.

Jack and Ethan’s reunion is heartwarming. Every time these two are on the same page together sparks ignite, and their chemistry is palpable. And then there’s that damn Before and After plot device being used to create unnecessary tension and angst. I spent half the book with my face scrunched up worried that Jack really was a colossal dickhead; and the other half convincing myself that he could not possibly have done what was being suggested. As it was, Jack sabotaging their very new and fragile relationship by leaving Ethan at home waiting for him and deciding NOW is the time he must have a “friend” and that he’s going to go for drinks and dinner with his “friend” Adam – made me fantasize about The Judge removing one of his testicles with a rusty paring knife. The fact that Adam – the forensic psychologist on the Infinity strike force; was a former hook up of Jack’s who still obnoxiously had the hots for him – made me want that testicle in a jar to put on my mantle. In Jack’s very limited and generously offered defense; Ethan is having his moments of slinking off to destinations unknown, weird bruises, cold-hearted killer moods, silent distance and avoidance of sexy times.

As Jack tracks a serial killer, Ethan once again confronts his past. They stumble over having a real relationship, they both fuck up (someone fucks up MORE than the other, IMO) and they both confront their fears. Jack accepts his chest grenade for what it is, and Ethan confronts his trauma and strives to learn how to live. Ethan is heartbreakingly vulnerable, and Jack is sweetly protective (when he gets his shit together). There are kisses…on the mouth (Thank God) and blowjobs all around. Jack accepts Ethan and all his borne of trauma OCD quirks, and Ethan feels truly safe with Jack. (And I guess Jack feels truly safe with Ethan too because he decides Ethan really isn’t going to kill him)
So in summary:
Jack repeated “I am so sorry you had to deal with him, as a kid and now. Anything you need, just ask me, okay, baby?
Ethan: Despite the twisting guilt and flowing doubts, I had to laugh. “Baby”?
Grimacing, Jack muttered, “I was trying something. Clearly it didn’t work”.
Ethan: My laughter subsided into a smile as I closed the space between us. “Don’t sell yourself short. It may have worked more than you thought it did”.

Looking forward to the third and final book even though I know I’m going to get a migraine from more Before and After nonsense; and wishing there were like ten novellas between Why The Devil Stalks Death and the final book. I LOVE these guys!