A review by zooloo1983
The Silent Dead by Graham Smith


So I am sharing my day with some fantastic bloggers so make sure you check out their reviews too! I also have a bit of confession, I had plans to have this book finished over the weekend, but it was my daughters brithday and then she got poorly and I was shattered and fell asleep with the kindle in my hand by 7pm! All my plans for a relaxing evening went out the window! I am near the end so this will be a mini review for now, my apologies to the Graham and Noelle.

So I have been “shouted” shall I say from a fellow blogger (Eva, she is going to disown me soon ahem!) that I have not read Graham’s other series of Jack Boulder, so this a complete introduction to the author and the series. Wow!!! This man can write (obviously), the words flowed and I was hooked from the opening scenes.

The main voice of the book is DC Beth Young, however through the short snappy chapters, there are two unknown chilling male voices. One the women find as a creep looking for his angels, and one where the women want to through themselves at him, but both so sinister.

We have a gruesome start and it is not how everyone pictures their wedding day! Finding a body, a murdered man, and then we meet the team. Beth is an intelligent and observant woman, trying to find her place in her new team of FMIT. Her boss DI Zoe O’Dowd (fab name by the way!), is basically a ball breaker and it was refreshing to see two women lead the way. You have DS Thompon and DC Unthank both with their flaws, however, this team works. The way Beth’s brain works, how she sees things and interprets them was fascinating to see her thought process. I love police procedural books as I have said before, I love seeing the “behind the scenes” and how the team works together, working the clues.

Time is of the essence in this book as I was racing to find out what was going on, trying to figure out who these unknown voices were, but at the same time a little nervous to discover who it is! Peeking out behind the cushions and listening to the sounds in the house, is how much this had me on edge at times!

As I said this is the first book in the series, and wham bam it starts us on an intense rollercoaster of a journey and it awesome! I can not wait for the next book! I also look forward to meeting Jack too.