A review by smcrain
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dreadfully Ever After by Steve Hockensmith


For how much I absolutely hated the first book of this series; which I screamed 'how is this not plagiarism?' the whole way through; I find I actually enjoyed the other two books in this series. After the hack job, that is the first book, did well the publisher finally decided to hire an actual writer to pickup the series. Admittedly, I really enjoyed the wild ride that Steve Hockensmith took with the story. Whereas Seth Grahame-Smith's tale had barely an ounce of originality to it; Hockensmith took the sequel/prequel in the craziest and most unexpected directions. I honestly still think back on trying to give a summary of this and will laugh to myself because it's just so out there. It was very much a fun piece of fanfiction with twists and turns a plenty. Hockensmith took the prompt of write P&P except with zombies, and just had fun with the world. At the same time the author kept still respectful of the original, gave more depth to the characters and inserted enough of his own voice and story to make something new and different.