A review by bookph1le
Foiled by Jane Yolen


Not my thing. In general, I don't much care for books about the land of faery and its denizens, but that wasn't my only quibble with this book.

The vast bulk of it felt like a prologue to me, and I found it hard to become very invested in it. I kept wishing I would have been vaulted into the story right away rather than subjected to all this exposition.

Avery made absolutely no sense to me--until he did. But the problem with that was, I could not even fathom why Aliera found him remotely attractive. It's not just that he's eccentric, he has some downright creepy tendencies and says some things that any thinking person should find alarming. I don't know if the book was going for the dangerous bad boy trope, but whatever the case, it just didn't work.

I won't be back for volume two, because as I said, the subject matter doesn't interest me. That's a shame, because there are some interesting things about this book, such as Aliera being color blind and how that affects how her introduction to the otherworldly manifests.