A review by succeedead
Dividing Eden by Joelle Charbonneau


Actual Rating: 3.5 for my girl Carys.

OKAY. So I had different expectations for this book, particularly with the characters and the Trials, but I can't say I didn't feel some emotions while reading this.

Honestly, I expected more challenge and intensity from the Trials. It sort of lacked the type of excitement I'm looking for when I hear "Trials," you feel? The way each challenge was described, as if they were extremely difficult and life-threatening, felt kind of trying-too-hard for me. I would have enjoyed the book more if I were catching my breath with every new challenge, but I merely found myself flipping to the next page without even batting an eyelash. That was such a big let down for me because I was looking forward to some intense twin-on-twin battles.

As for the characters, WELL. I particularly loved Carys, but ANDREUS. BOY, OH BOY, ANDREUS. I expected an intimidating, quick-witted, somewhat cold-hearted guy, but what I got was a hopeless little ass. I cannot believe how easy it was to manipulate him, and how stupid he can be during the most dire circumstances! He was so easily blinded by temptation and pride and greed, his morals were so weak I just couldn't handle his POV! He is everything his sister is not, which is why I sided so much with Carys the entire time.

There are some parts, I believe, that left me a bit confused. I'm not sure if it's because of the wording - it felt like the author was trying too hard to make the sentence complex even if it was irrelevant to the main thought - or because the world-building was a bit rushed and/or lacking. I did find myself tearing up during Carys's speech because of how nicely it flowed, like it was truly from the heart. Other than that, though, most of the emotions I felt was frustration and indifference.

I'm not sure if I would still read the sequel. I guess if I want to pass some time while waiting for more awaited book releases, I would, but I wouldn't consider it as my priority right now.