A review by hobbitfreddie
Heartstopper: Volume Three by Alice Oseman


The volumes just keep getting better and better! This volume is just so sweet, but with some added drama to keep it from becoming just fluff. There's alot of cute side character pairings too.

Art: The art's simple, but still looks good, and makes the volume a lighter read. The cute art really shines in the fluff scenes. Also all the characters just look so cute.

Character: I love all the main cast, Charlie and Nick are adorable of course. But there's also some added drama to spice up their characters and not just make them fluff machines. The supporting cast is also quite good. They have their own character traits and moments, and many of them get paired off in this volume. Also Elle says trans rights. I like how the "antagonists" aren't just one note, some of them get redemption too. Harry I don't understand if he's supposed to be "redeemed" or not. Because he could be a good example of people who are homophobic, etc at first but becoming an ally or member of the community, but I don't think that's what they're doing here. Some people are just homophobic, so it does make sense to put in a character like that, sadly.

Story: The last volume was heavy fluff, but this one is a good blend of the drama and fluff. And the drama is handled well, it goes it to some deeper topics, pretty respectfuly. And the fluff, is just great I loved seeing the side characters get paired off. The paris trip was a good change of scenery, which is always welcome.

All in all can't wait for the next volume.