A review by magencorrie
If I Die by Rachel Vincent


*Warning: This review may contain spoilers if you have not read this book or the other books in the series*

My Mini Review:

Rachel Vincent is just blowing my mind. When I thought I couldn’t fall anymore in love with this series I am proven wrong. If I Die is one of my favorite books in the series. And this book was just an emotional test, I was all over the place. So much happens in one book it took me awhile just to wrap my head around it all. Every character is tested, Kaylee, Tod, Nash and Sabine. I fell even more in love with some characters and others I can now stand, while some….I just want to bash over the head with a very hard object.

"You think I need to be rescued?" "I think it doesn't hurt to let someone else do the rescuing every now and then, when your own armor starts to get banged up."

Kaylee is really tested in If I Die, and I feel even in the toughest of situations she tries the very best she can. This made me like her character even more. She is thrown into a lot of obstacles, with Nash still not being Nash, Sabine still trying to stand between her and Nash. Also with some very unexpected news that Tod brings, oh and let’s not forget the Incubus that shows up. Kaylee always seems to have a lot on her plate. But she tries her best, and that makes her a really cool heroine to me. One I would love to be if I was in a story. And through everything, she tries to do what’s right. Kaylee also begins to see things differently, and people, and she begins to realize she might need to step away from Nash (which I was very happy about).

Now, Nash, I have never liked him. Something about him felt off, and in this book you are going to want to bash his head in even more. I know I did! To me, he is a very selfish character, weak in a way. And him and Sabine really do belong together. Slowly, Kaylee’s eyes begin to open about Nash and Sabine. She begins to understand things about herself, Nash and Sabine. And Sabine is just Sabine. At times I can stand her, others I really can't but you do understand her and at times I actually liked her character-sometimes.

Tod really makes an appearance in this book, and dear Lord, I loved every second he showed up. We get to see a lot more of him, and he is better than ever! Tod has always been by Kaylee’s side, supporting her and being a friend to her. But when he brings some news to Kaylee, her world takes a drastic change, and he never leaves her side. With every step Tod proves just how much he cares and Kaylee begins to see just how amazing he is. As I said, Kaylee’s eyes begin to open. Tod is an amazing guy, and you really get to see it!

"Together, we'd take crazy to a whole new level."

With a very creepy new teacher at school that is way more than he seems, and some very life changing news for Kaylee, If I Die is a whirlwind of a book. So much happens I can’t even begin to write about, to explain how amazing it was. But just take my word, if you gave up on the series, or are feeling like it can’t get any better, just keep reading, because it does. Oh boy it does! Rachel really is an amazing writer.