A review by pbraue13
Son of Rosemary by Ira Levin


This was not a good sequel and I can understand the vitriol that it inspires in some readers (see the reviews for this book aside from mine to see what I mean). It is a seemingly half-assed attempt by Ira Levin to write a sequel to his most iconic work and while the writing is - as always- short, simple, and right to the point it is also seemingly rushed. I almost think that he didn't know what to write or could not make any decisions so he wrote an alright albeit uninspired start to the novel with an ending that seems to erase the events of both this book and the original; thus, absolving Levin of the fame that came from his original novel and its film and attempting to make readers think it's a clever ending by "leaving it up to interpretation". In reality, the ending is a confusing mess with no closure or answers that spits in the face of fans of the original. This is so disappointing and unlike Levin who is known for his originality and solid plots. No wonder this is one of the only novels of his that has not been adapted for the screen. It's sad that this was his last novel as it is quite the sour note to end on.