A review by literarylover37
This Raging Light by Estelle Laure


I received an advanced copy of this book from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt via Netgalley in exchange for a review.

This just released today YA book has some really strong points that I think will connect with the intended audience.

First, how gorgeous is this cover? Objectively pretty and fitting with story and audience the cover is a win.

Secondly, I really appreciated the difficult position that our main character Lucille has found herself in. In fact, I think her taking care of her sister Wren, and dealing with the two different forms of abandonment she has suffered from her parents is the core of this book. It is then no surprise that this is where the strength of this novel lies. I wish the author had focused more on this than on the "romance" with Digby.

Ah yes, the Digby romance. Yikes. This area was just weak because as much as we are supposed to feel bad for Digby that poor him, he was just helping out a friend and fell in looooove, we never can get past the fact that he has cheated on his girlfriend (and Lulu) for most of the book. Add to the fact that I never could quite figure out what Lulu saw in him, (his favorite food is salad??? please, he had the personality of a salad...and a house salad at that) and this whole romance left me feeling icky and uncomfortable.

Another plot point I could have done without was the direction taken with Eden. Why? I mean I get that it moved things along (I suppose) but we could have reached the same conclusion without having that whole thing happen(trying to not give spoilers). It just seemed like another additional story line that was unnecessary.

I know other reviewers have commented for or against the writing style. Let me just say that for the most part I didn't mind it but I also didn't love it. Either way, it was certainly a definitive style and it will be interesting to see if that same style occurs in Ms. Laure's next book.

If you're looking for a YA novel that meets what you stereo-typically think of YA novels, this is it.
2.5 out of 5 stars.