A review by acf151
The Ghost Rebellion by Pip Ballantine, Tee Morris


This book is worth the wait! A whole host of diverse new tertiary characters are introduced in several new locations, as the Ministry is recovering from the events of the [b:Diamond Conspiracy|22460416|The Diamond Conspiracy (Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences, #4)|Pip Ballantine|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1412396973s/22460416.jpg|41895465], and they are just as unique, inventive and explosive-prone as the rest of the main cast. Thankfully their intros mostly provided color and comic relief. They don't overshadow the rest of the characters or plot lines, just as many of the experienced field agents hinted at or briefly appearing throughout the book series.

I was thrilled to meet an active operative of the Ministry who was deaf, and that her competence was assumed by the most unlikely of characters. It's a rare thing to find deaf characters in fiction being treated as normal or competent, unless the thing is written specifically for that segment of the population. I really appreciate the inclusion.

Long time fans will be glad to see that answers regarding Books' upbringing continue to be teased and addressed. And he and Eliza's relationship appears to be progressing well. It was good to see more of the infamous House of Usher and why they have not been the front and center villains.

I did miss seeing more of Dr. Sound, except for one really excellent scene, but hopefully more for the next book. And, if we have the ability to tunnel to the center of the earth (awesome!), surely someone is trying to recreate Nemo's Nautilus, from concept, even if they don't have the plans. Thank you, Eliza.
The mind-control/obedience aspect introduced in Diamond Conspiracy with Callum was not brought up in this book, but given how many other technological marvels made an appearance, that's not necessarily out of play. However, if the Queen still needs her serum, Books likely does too - the ledger mentioned needing periodic doses. If he's losing some of his control and the Ministry now knows about his condition, the Ministry may not be so gentle with him in the next book. If the House of Usher and Jekyll team up to reclaim Books for their team, I think Eliza will be forced to shoot him, regardless of what he is or is not wearing.

Axelrod and Blackwell have introduced all sorts of new armaments since the last book. It's a fairly extensive list. They must be maintaining contact with Tesla. I'm looking forward to the next book, which hopefully (please!) won't be the last.