A review by git_r_read
18 Seconds by George D. Shuman

This is a very intriguing premise for a thriller, a blind woman with a psychic ability to read the last 18 seconds of a person's memory after they have died.
Some shortcuts were taken by the author to end the story, but not enough so to keep me from trying him again.
The psychic helps people with closure, helps archeologists find treasure, helps police find killers. One in particular is on the loose after being incarcerated for 30 years and is now 'rehabilitated' from his crime of driving a bus of teens off the road and killing them. He was running from the cops while under the influence of drugs and ran the busload of teens into a river. He went to prison, but no one knew the awful truth of what he and his depraved girlfriend have been up to, kidnapping and killing young girls.