A review by tenthdead
Concealed Power by K.J. Colt


I tried my best to like this novel, truly. However, as I hit the 3/4 mark, I just could not finish it. As many other reviewers have pointed out, all of the characters are very flat and unoriginal. I found the entire concept of the book just shy of ridiculous. Adenine, our perpetual victim, is first convinced by her mother that she had been sick and the last carrier of the plague for the first ten years of her life. After nearly getting raped by her uncle as her "Golden Whore" powers begin to show via the color of her eyes ("like the sun dipped in honey"), her mother and father have her eyes sewn shut. Of course, her father then gets hung for murdering her uncle. After three years of Adenine wallowing in misery and despair, her mother stops coming up to her room to feed her. She finally ventures downstairs to find her mother paralyzed from the waist down and near death.

The book continues this way with Adenine, a Mary Sue in all but her terror for men, for quite some time. I reached the point of Klawdia whisking her away to her dead uncle's cabin before putting the book down. This is chapter twenty-seven, I believe. I just kept waiting for something to happen... and nothing shocking or intriguing ever did. You know how the story will go from the moment you hear about the whores.

Two stars only because Klawdia was somewhat interesting.