A review by bookishmadness
Everbound by Brodi Ashton


What I thought: Everbound was nothing I expected and I guess in that way, it fell too flat for my tastes. Nikki is working on getting Jack from the Tunnels? Tick. Cole refusing the help? Tick. Nikki being crazy and stupid? Tick. But then it all changes when Cole agrees to help Nikki find Jack. Cole is actually being genuine. Finally, he is being nice - being a character we can all love. Yet it's still all about Jack. Sure, Nikki realises she and Cole has some sort of connection, no matter how hard she tries to resist. But she's so loved up on Jack, it made me want to puke. I did like the memories part and getting a bit of a look into the past, but even then, they were so saccharine sweet I just couldn't help rolling my eyes.

It was interesting to learn more about Adonia and what happened to her and her family line. Most of the secondary characters are back, but really they don't exist, because this whole book just revolves around Nikki, Jack and Cole.

Despite this, I just felt like this book was all over the place. It just didn't cut it for me this time around. I want to find out how it all ends and I really hope it's at the standard of the first book and not this one.

The Good: Brodi Ashton certainly left us on a bit of a cliffhanger, which did leave me wanting the last book.

The Bad: I expected so much from the book, but it fell short in so many ways. I really hope she can pick it back up in the last book.

Rating: 3 bookstacks