A review by helpfulsnowman
Trial of the Clone: An Interactive Adventure! by Zach Weinersmith


This is fun as hell. Think about a Choose Your Own Adventure crossed with an easy-to-follow D&D sorta thing.

Oh, and the morality nonsense of CYOA, like when it tries to convince kids to not do steroids, all that crap is gone.

I made it into ACT III where I was killed by monkeys with swords. I was at a disadvantage because I'd learned the "Monkey Fighting Style," which was useless against monkeys.

I also chose to live in a ghetto made of pornography and to kill a lot of people in very cowardly ways. One of those two things is very close to my reality. I'm not saying which.

The big plus is that the book is actually a lot of fun to read. It's funny, and the scenes are quick and give a chuckle.

The big minus is that you'll never read the damn thing, not really, because what are you gonna do, just go straight through, like some kinda animal?