A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Five Candles by Lora Gray


Five Candles by Lora Gray is the start to this year's Warhammer Horror Week (2020), and ti kicks off with a scream. Or two.

Havisa is the last of her people, and she feels it. She feels the years weighing her down. She feels her fire fading – literally. While other tribes look down on her for doing the unthinkable – surviving – she continues to move ever slowly onward.

That is, until she meets a monster in the darkness. She is going to have to make a choice. Let that darkness put out her fire. Or fight.

“Her fire had never been as fierce as theirs and she'd committed the cardinal sin of surviving, of growing old.”

Five Candles is probably one of the shorter Warhammer Horror stories I've read, and if I'm being completely honest, I wouldn't have minded a bit more context for it. Maybe just a little bit more time to get to know Havisa and her people before everything went down.

Still, even without knowing all of those details, I did enjoy this short read. It was dark, and yet oddly empowering at the same time. I don't want to say too much more than that, as it would really be quite easy to spoil a detail for this story by accident.

Check out more reviews over at Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks