A review by lavendermarch
Three Day Summer by Sarvenaz Tash


This book was an easy read. I kept turning the pages, helped in part by short, alternating POV chapters. For most of the time I was reading it, I was unsure about how I felt, and whether or not I liked the book, the story, or the characters. In the end, I did. I liked Cora and Michael, and their different struggles in discovering who they were and what they wanted to do and be. I could relate, as I am at a similar point in my life.

I definitely enjoyed the setting. I mean, Woodstock? A book set during the Vietnam War? That's cool. Or groovy, as I guess you'd say in this book. Three Day Summer had a great, unique, and well conveyed setting. I'm glad I got to see different perspectives on the Vietnam War (i.e. Cora's dad versus the majority of the people at Woodstock). That was really interesting and it made me think a little.

I enjoyed reading about the Cora and Michael's struggles, as I said, and I was happy with the book's resolution. The resolution was the kicker for me. Not knowing what would happen - at all - is not the usual for me with books, but with the manner this one was told in, and the progression of things throughout the story, it took me a bit to figure out.

Overall, I think that this book was a valuable, interesting read. It was a quick, easy read, with compelling characters, who were well-fleshed out. I liked the historical setting, what with the Vietnam War and all, and how it was at Woodstock, which sounds chaotic but amazing. All in all, I ended up really enjoying Three Day Summer and I recommend it to people who enjoy music, YA romance, and finding out who you are. 4.5 stars.

This review and more available at Abi's Book Reviews