A review by chazmo1431
Nulle part sur la terre by Michael Farris Smith


I hear words singing in DESPERATION ROAD, the way John Hart makes them sing. Mr. Smith uses a sentence fragment like a spear or a scalpel, depending upon his intent. Like Hart, he makes me know the South as people, not places, as spirit, not cliche. It does not matter that I know, more or less, where the story will go, where the people I learn to root for will wind up. I hope they will, anyway, and intuiting where they may wind up keeps me reading, keeps me hoping they are able to fix it, to win. That is the key to a good read for me, to hope for the characters, to believe in them because I have erred like them, I have not overcome as I hope they will, and be inspired by them.

A great introduction to this author for me!