A review by nadia55
Far from the Light of Heaven by Tade Thompson


I picked this up on a whim because I liked the cover and the premise sounded interesting, and it ended up just reminding me why I'm usually so precious about what sci-fi I read (even though I love the genre). It was a good premise with some very compelling elements that all just fell very flat. There was a bigger story to be told here that the author just missed (or ignored?) which is fascinating given what is explicitly stated in the afterword. Also, tonally this was all over the map and in my opinion missed really ramping up the tension at several key moments. Part of the problem here was the characters all felt like characters, I could never actually forget that these were not real people and consequently just didn't care about them. I think part of my problem is I expected this to have more of a horror vibe, given the way the story was set up, imagine something in the vein of Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant.