A review by roxcollector
Justice League, Volume 8: Darkseid War, Part 2 by Geoff Johns


Synopsis: This book is insane so I'm going to try my best to cover everything. So the Justice League have essentially all become gods with the exception of Wonder Woman, Cyborg and Green Lantern. Mister Miracle and Big Barda are reunited and Darkseid's followers want to find the Anti-Monitor and kill him in revenge for killing Darkseid. Meanwhile, the Anti-Monitor becomes separated from the Anti-Life Equation, which is now in the hands of Grail. She intends to bring Darkseid back to life and control him with it because she believes death is too good for him.

Superman returns without Lex to earth and fights with Wonder Woman. She is able to somewhat get him under control with the Lasso of Truth. Mister Miracle, Barda, Power Ring and Cyborg all go to break into level zero of A.R.G.U.S. because they believe they need the help of Ultraman and Superwoman. Volthoom takes over Jessica while they're in A.R.G.U.S. and when Cyborg touches Jessica's arm, the ring connects with him and the virus Grid is now in control of Cyborg's body once again. Superwoman attempts to kill Mister Miracle and Barda, but Owlman shows up and says that the Syndicate and Justice League need to work together.

Owlman says there is a way to stop Mobius, but he won't tell them until the opportunity presents itself. Mobius, now separated from the Anti-Life Equation is attacking Gotham. Hal calls in the Green Lantern corps as back up and a ton of them are killed. Ultraman takes on Mobius by himself and is killed. Lex, now the god of Apokolips, shows up to fight Mobius as well. Grail has kidnapped Steve Trevor because she needs him for something as he is supposedly the first man to step foot on Themyscira.

Jessica is trapped inside of Volthoom's ring along with the souls of all the other victims. She hears a voice, calling her to the Central Power Battery and makes a run for it with the other souls running after her. We then get a backstory on Myrina and Grail. Basically, Myrina tried to raise Grail to be good, but nature won out over nurture in this case. Grail plans to do something with Steve and kisses him with Myrina shouting that he wasn't the first man to step foot on Themyscira, but it's too late by that point. The voice that called Jessica turns out to be Cyborg.

Superwoman is preparing to give birth as Lex goes toe-to-toe with Mobius. When Lex fails, Wonder Woman and Superman attack Mobius with Batman telling them where they have openings. Superman does some kind of solar flare to get the Apokolips radiation out of his body and he looks normal again. The Flash, combined with the Black Racer, warns everyone that he cannot move, but death is coming. Superwoman gives birth to a boy and it's clear that this child is going to play a role in the war. Grail shows up with Steve and Steve blasts Mobius, killing him.

Grail orders Steve to kill them all. I think we're meant to think Steve has become a vessel of some kind for the Anti-Life Equation. Steve fights Diana and continuously begs her to end it because he can't fight the Anti-Life Equation's control over him. Superwoman's child has the ability to steal powers from others and she uses the word Mazahs to take Superman and Lex's godlike powers. Then Grail shoots her laser vision through Superwoman, killing her. Grail tries to steal the Flash's powers as well with the baby, but instead it separates Barry and the Black Racer. The Black Racer chases after Barry since he cannot leave until a life is taken.

Jessica is able to take control of her body and throws herself between the Black Racer and Barry, thus killing her. The Black Racer then vanishes since a life has been taken. Grail finds out that Steve Trevor was not the "chosen one" so she takes the Anti-Life Equation back and puts it in the child. The child is then turned into Darkseid. Hal gives his ring to Batman to give him the will to get off the Mobius Chair. It works, but Owlman takes his place and Grid downloads himself into the chair.

Big Barda shows up with backup from Apokolips. Myrina tricks Grail into killing her, but also killing Darkseid in the process. Darkseid and the Anti-Life Equation are separated, but both Darkseid and Grail disappear. Jessica is revealed to be alive and that the life that was taken was Volthoom's and she is chosen by a Green Lantern ring.

We find out that Grail is alive and she now has a baby Darkseid, who she decides she will raise. Superman gets news that he is dying because of the overexposure to radiation. Myrina tells Diana before she dies that Diana has a brother and he was the first man on Themyscira. Batman tells Hal Jordan that the Mobius Chair said there were three Jokers. And finally, Owlman and Metron are in space. Owlman says that someone is coming and then there's a blue flash and all we see is the empty Mobius Chair with blood on it.

Review: Definitely better than part 1. I felt like Johns' run came full circle with this last book. We start out with the Justice League forming and the public viewing them as gods because to normal people, yeah, they would be gods. I liked that Johns took that a step further and actually turned some of them into gods, though it was brief. It showed that while people see them as gods they aren't because when they were gods, they did not act like they did when they weren't. I found Batman in particular incredibly annoying while in the Morbius chair.

I feel like I hate on Batman a lot with this run and that might be because he's always so mean to Hal Jordan. But I will give Batman credit where credit is due, he does apologize to Hal. I thought it was funny that Bat-fucking-man did not have the willpower to get of the Mobius chair so Hal had to give him his ring. The only one of the JL that doesn't have powers and has the most discipline physically and mentally and he can't get off the chair without Hal's help.

Another thing I deeply enjoyed about this book is the fact that Wonder Woman is the one narrating the entire time. I haven't been the biggest fan of Wonder Woman in the past, but the more I'm exposed to her character the more I grow to love her. And it makes sense that she would narrate because this last chapter in Johns' run is all about gods, and who would know gods better than Wonder Woman?

Still in love with Jessica Cruz. I liked that the Volthoom corps was inside the ring and it was all the ring's victims. It was so creepy and fucked up. I hate those veins that cover all the hosts. I also hate that it seems like death can't even save the hosts from the ring. They just become trapped inside of it. But I suppose the Black Racer took care of that...I think?

I have to say, I really liked Grail as a villain,too. I thought it was a bit of a bummer that even though Myrina tried to raise her to be good, it didn't matter because of who Grail's father is. It seems that with Grail nature is the answer to the nature vs nurture is in fact nature. But I think she is a cool character at least in this book. The backstory with Myrina and Grail was unneeded I felt, but I did like it. The fact that Myrina had to tame a Griffin just to protect her in her sleep from Grail was so upsetting. Like damn, girl. Unfortunately, I've read where Grail's character goes in Rebirth so I am primed for disappointment when I start rereading those comics. I felt the same way about the reveal that Diana has a brother. I'm like oh, boy, can't wait for this to suck.

The inclusion of the Crime Syndicate was awesome. It was hilarious to see Ultraman acting more like Power Ring than his usual self and being so thirsty for Kryptonite. Owlman, while I don't like him very much, is such an interesting character. The more content I read with him the more I'm always aware that he is always scheming something. He's on Team Owlman and no one else. Still wish we had gotten more on Superwoman, to be honest. She is similar to Owlman to me in that she always seems to know more than all the other members.

It was fucking brutal, though, when she literally had that baby and then almost immediately gets killed by Grail via laser vision. I felt kinda bad for that baby because everyone was out there fighting over it because of its ability to steal powers, but damn then he ended up with Grail, the worst possible one.

That being said, there were parts that I didn't quite understand. I don't get how Grail was able to bring Darkseid back or how the JL members that got their powers "stolen" by the baby still had their powers? Or for that matter, how was Superwoman's baby turned into baby Darkseid? I don't know I think the Anti-Life Equation can be a confusing concept when it's used in stories. I mean, it's nowhere near as confusing as Final Crisis, but sometimes they just don't explain the hows or whys and that's frustrating.

Johns really did plant seeds for the Darkseid War throughout his run from the Trinity War (which was used to get the Crime Syndicate to earth) to Forever Evil (in which Volthoom's ring is what alerts the Anti-Monitor to their location). It was all a very well thought out story.