A review by lausol
Bed of Flowers by Erin Satie


This book, what a mess.
So, I started the book vaguely remembering that I got the ebook because there was some hype about it some years ago, so I didn't know and, at first, was gladly surprised by the Beauty and the Beast retelling element.
And at first I liked the book, Bonny was charming (and even if she acted childish, she had momments in which she tried to find out the truth by herself, that gave me a glimmer of hope for her characterization to be more than what we ended up with "goody two-shoes that is used by everybody" plus "TSTL" at times).
So, the book was going well until
Spoilerhe gets sick and she helps him get back to health and she's suddenly overcome with the desire to kiss him because apparently she lusted for him while he was sick? And they're discovered by a town bussybody and have to get married and male mc acts like he can't trust her because she kissed him before she officially broke up the engagement with a dude who is basically the Gaston of the story? (except, in all honesty, both dudes were the Gaston) And male mc treats her coldly and only gets close to her to objectify her and LOL if the author really believes that I'll buy that this is a romance. The only character who treated Bonny with consideration, respect and love was Cordelia.
Which brings me to: Bonny's family is terrible! terrible! and she keeps trying to come back to them, and even feels guilty after they basically tried to use her to regain their socioeconomic standing. And they take money from her!
The rest of the town is no better, they're basically a bunch of hypocrital people and it never gets solved, the Gaston character never gets what's coming to him, and the town supports his actions? while they harass and threaten to lynch the female mc?
I finished this book feeling very dissatisfied and wondering what the heck this was supposed to be, because, surely, it wasn't a HEA.
And another thing, the two female characters from London were just..., such a forced way to introduce them so people would be curious about their books. They didn't add anything to the story itself, and we got little summaries about their character introductions and a very shallow friendship?