A review by raven168
Sacrificed by Emily Wibberley


After a short bit of reading, this story really got good. It kept me reading on just to find out what happened next even when I should have been doing something else. The end though...I really didn't like how it ended.

Clio has grown up her whole life hating the Oracle of Sheehan (who was also her mother) because she took away everyone she loved one by one to make them serve her. She believes that everything her mother says and does is nothing but lies to keep herself in position of power she holds. That is until one night when everything is about to change. Running away from her cold mother and sisters after a fight, she finds herself running into prince Derik who was her childhood friend. It had been years since she had last seen him but the awkwardness didn't last long and Clio finds herself falling asleep in his arms atop their tree. It's then that she has her first vision of her mother and sisters being murdered in their sleep. All but Ali. Determined to save her, Clio races to Morek and poses as a slave girl to get inside. Only to get there too late and bear witness to what she hoped to stop. Locked up to be a sacrifice atop the Morek pyramid by their priest, she encounters Riece. A seventeen year old commander who holds a lot of power, he was my absolute favorite character and I loved him (my favorite parts of the book were always with him). Being forced to grow up much to fast in order to protect his sister, he has become an unbelievable warrior. But beneath that is an honorable man who does all he can to protect people. From the moment those two come in contact the sparks fly. Sparks of all sorts. Clio fights as much as she can in any way she can to free herself and the other girls, but at every turn it's Riece me who is there to stop her. So it comes as a surprise to her when it's him that saves her after she causes some serious chaos. Knowing that Riece hates Oracles (for good reason), Clio tries to hide that she has become one, but of course it comes out soon enough and she has to convince Riece that she really does feel something for him. This whole time, and evil guy named Mannix has been torturing people and searching for Clio. So when she has a vision of what he is doing in Sheehan she needs to do something about it. Lucky for her, Derik is coming to Morek for some royal party thing. Riece gets her in to see Derik, only for Mannix to show up and attack the three of them. After fighting their way free, they decide what they will do next. But another vision sends Clio literally running back to Sheehan. Right into a trap. Things go from bad to worse with every passing minute, but with Clio realizing something about being an Oracle and making sacrifices, the three of them manage to get out. They are certain that Mannix has not been defeated and are getting reading for that fight.

I found myself forgetting often that Clio was only 15. Almost everything she does or was put thru was something that just seemed like 15 was not old enough for. Riece being 17 seemed too young sometimes too, but that was easier to believe.

I hate love triangle. So that's why I really disliked how this book ended. Clio loves one, but chases him away after a vision only to have the other want to pretend that she does love him like she lied about. I really want her to end up happy with Riece though...

I want to say that I am looking forward to reading more of this series, but I am leery with this whole love triangle thing that will clearly be going on. But I'm sure I'll give it read if given a chance.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.