A review by beckylej
The Iron Ring by Auston Habershaw


Tyvian Reldamar has big plans for his latest scam. But when his partner betrays him, leaving him high and not so dry, pursued by a vengeful Mage Defender, Tyvian vows revenge. Unfortunately, a run in with a mysterious character and an iron ring that punishes him for bad behavior puts a real wrench in the thief's plans.

Saddled with a young admirer and a monster who is also seeking his former partner, Tyvian and his entourage make their way to Freegate - a city free of the Mage Defenders' rules and the one place Tyvian can be free. Unfortunately, when he arrives he discovers a serious evil brewing and finds himself a target on multiple fronts.

Auston Habershaw's debut and the first in the Saga of the Redeemed is an entertaining read with a super fun anti hero. Seriously, Tyvian is a shit. He's got very little in the way of redeeming qualities, though he is quite clever and funny (in a snarky and overly confident way). As the book progresses, though, it becomes clear that his self confidence is not misplaced.

The ring seemingly prevents him from any naughty behavior - when his companions are in danger it prevents him from walking away (which is his default setting) and it also prevents him from killing the mage defender who has devoted her career to bringing him down. And that mage defender - Myreon Alafarr - she's pretty awesome. Her connection to Tyvian, and the main reason she's so bent on capturing him, isn't revealed until close to the end but it could also hint at just why Tyvian is so darn talented as a con man and thief.

The book isn't completely without flaws, my only real issue was with the pacing in certain areas. Fortunately both Tyvian and the world itself were enough to keep me moving along. And it's a pretty short read all in all so any lagging passes within just a few pages.

The Iron Ring is out now, but be warned it does come to a very abrupt end. The follow up, All That Glitters, isn't due out until October.