A review by helpfulsnowman
Clowns Vs. Spiders by Jeff Strand


I've been on Goodreads for a long time. I don't mean to brag, but I've amassed a good number of friends. Mostly because I write hilarious reviews that entertain people who have no interest in reading the books being reviewed. I said I didn't mean to brag, but that only applied to the remainder of that particular sentence, not any that follow. That sentence about entertaining people was a brag, and it was totally intentional.

And yet, somehow, NOBODY told me about Jeff Strand and Clowns Vs. Spiders, throwing me into a tailspin of wondering whether there's any point to Goodreads at all.

After reading this book, which is so up my alley that some kind of ally proctologist would be required to remove it, I have to wonder why NOBODY told me about it. It's funny, it's gross, it's absurd (pronounced "ab-zurd" because that's funnier), and it's everything I ever wanted from a book. Well, since I turned like 35 and gave up on books that are just coming-of-age novels where nothing really happens. Done with that.

You won't regret reading this. It's hilarious. The clowns are funny, and their predicament is perfect.

And it's not a piece of shit! I know the title SOUNDS a little like some sci-fi channel nonsense with bad CG and acting furnished by 90's tween sitcom cast-offs, but it's not that, it's the real deal.

Get it, read it. And what the fuck, if you come across something like this, send it by your old pal Pete.