A review by havebookswilltravel
Benedict Cumberbatch Reads Thrilling Stories of the Railway by Benedict Cumberbatch, Victor L. Whitechurch


A series of short mystery stories that take place on trains. The stories were OK. Very short. But Cumberbatch's narration is wonderful. I mean, he could read the phone book in that sexy baritone of his and make it fascinating, but it's more than that. He is a skilled impressionist, and that comes in handy reading audiobooks. He gives each character a unique voice and accent without making it sound like he's "doing voices." This reminded me a lot of [b:Sherlock Holmes: The Rediscovered Railway and Other Stories|9688584|Sherlock Holmes The Rediscovered Railway and Other Stories|John Taylor|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328766358s/9688584.jpg|14576664].