A review by lattelibrarian
Tell Me about Sex, Grandma by Anastasia Higginbotham


Illustrated with collage-style artwork on a paper bag, Tell Me About Sex, Grandma answers questions about one of life's greatest mysteries: sex.  What is it?  What does it feel like?  Who can do it?  Why does nobody talk about?  All of these questions and more are discussed, along with some guidelines such as nobody can tell you what to do with your body, and nobody should ever have sex with a child.  But if you're looking for something with diagrams and technical jargon, this isn't the book for you--this one discusses concepts and understanding sex as a fun fact of life rather than something wholly scientific.  

Overall, I found this to be so good and so interesting.  Grandma lets him come up with questions on his own time, and answers his questions as honestly as she can, without any judgement--which is so important given that the young child is afraid of being judged.  After all, sex is everywhere but rarely talked about!  

This is definitely worth reading, and perfect for answering a lot of the questions your young one might have about sex.

Review cross-listed here!