A review by blodeuedd
Owl and the City of Angels by Kristi Charish


I was so happy to see this one on a site, since book 1 could not be found. It was also really weird to read it after having listened to book 1. I found myself missing the narrator, also, so weird to see the names in writing! ;)

But let us begin.

Alix is hunting treasures for her dragon boss.
She is getting closer with Rynn, but still he is an incubi, can they really be happy?
Captain is the best cat side kick a girl can have!
Nadia is just there...poor Nadia, she needs to do more.
Carpe, well every girl needs an elf buddy to play online games with.

The hunt is on. She needs to find something. And the IAA is after her. It sucks to be her.

This series is fun, great characters, action and humour.