A review by thequeerbookish
Transformed: San Francisco by Suzanne Falter, Jack Harvey


I nearly dnf-ed this book. The beginning is so hectic and the characters seem rather random. But I read on and suddenly I was hooked. Everything comes smoothly together... well, mostly. I was confused why they get from stalker to terrorist. Maybe I read over something, but I am sure I didn't.

Anyway, I really liked Charley's doubts about his own body and how he helps Electra discover herself. At first I couldn't take her seriously as a dominatrix, because in her everyday life she truly isn't dominant (not saying you have to be), but later on the reader gets to read her in a scene and: mh, yes.

It isn't the most intellectual read, but I was entertained. Nearly entertained enough to ignore the mistakes. There were a few repetitions (like how plastic bags are forbidden in San Francisco).

At the end of the book you learn what inspired the authors to this novel and I may be checking those books out.

Disclaimer: I was provided with a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.