A review by naysh
The Best Science Fiction of the Year: Volume Three by Neil Clarke, Rich Larson


A strong collection of fun sci-fi stories, which tends to prioritize good language and evocative writing over particularly compelling ideas. Nine stories in this collection that stood out to me:

1. "A Series of Steaks" by Vina Jie-Min Prasad ~ An odd premise, filled with fun dialogue and casually clever prose.

2. "Every Hour of Light and Dark" by Nancy Kress ~ Art theft in an interesting direction.

3. "Shikasta" by Vandana Singh ~ An excellent story with an interesting emotional angle.

4. "Wind Will Rove" by Sarah Pinsker ~ A simple but impactful story, which contemplates the conflict between preserving old knowledge and creating new ideas.

5. "The Martian Obelisk" by Linda Nagata ~ A story mired in despair, with a strong beginning and end.

6. "Shadows of Eternity" by Gregory Benford ~ Creative use of language. The plot itself is not very thoroughly developed in this short story.

7. "A Catalogue of Sunlight at the End of the World" by A.C. Wise ~ Good emotional storytelling.

8. "Death on Mars" by Madeline Ashby ~ Similar in themes to #7.

9. "The Secret Life of Bots" by Suzanne Palmer ~ Robots given good voices.