A review by laila4343
Body Positive Power: How learning to love yourself will save your life by Megan Jayne Crabbe


As I read more books in the anti-diet/HAES field, there will inevitably be repetition in the scientific studies referenced and various talking points. Where each book has the potential to be different and illuminating is the author’s story and unique voice. I came upon Crabbe on Instagram and really enjoy her feed. It’s full of joy and body positivity, the importance of mental health and inclusivity of all different kinds of people and bodies. The book is good, she makes a convincing argument for leaving diet culture and living a joyful, self-loving lifestyle. Her story of anorexia and later years of yo-yo dieting and obsessive exercise understandably made her furious at the diet culture that robbed her of her natural childhood joy in movement and ease with food and her body. This would be a great starting point for someone looking for a way out of self-loathing and harmful habits and mindsets. I enjoyed it.