A review by eesh25
Bridge of Souls by V.E. Schwab


3.75 Stars

This is the end of the series (for now), and as an ending, it's not great. But as just another installment in the series, it's pretty good. Probably my least favourite of the three because I didn't like the ending, but still a good time made better by Reba Buhr doing a fantastic job once again. I love her Jacob voice the most.

The city being visited by the Inspectors this time is New Orleans. And even I know New Orleans has is known for its supernatural shenanigans.

But while the Inspectors are doing their usual exploring through haunted places, Cassidy is dealing with a different kind of threat than the last two times. It's not a ghost but more like a reaper who believes Cassidy should've died and wants to make sure she does.

Honestly, the idea of the villain is great. Cassidy and other in-betweeners all came back from the edge of death and got the ability to cross the veil because of it. So it makes sense that Death isn't happy about it. I just wasn't fond of the portrayal of the servant of Death. This is a personal nit-pick, but I've always thought Death was just doing their job. So I don't like them, or any Death-related persons, being portrayed as evil.

But if I were to put aside my own preferences, definitely a menacing villain (that got ruined later, but I'll get to that).

Cassidy, as always, was great. I enjoy her enthusiasm for trouble, but I also like that she knows when to avoid it. Jacob is hilarious and endearing and I love him. And I liked getting more of Lara as well.

The tone of the book was spooky, which was fun. And one of my favourite parts was visiting different places in New Orleans and getting some history about them from Cass's parents. I don't think I've mentioned it before, but it's been one of the elements of the series that I've enjoyed the most.

Now, the ending... Without getting into spoilers, I think the book seriously depowered the villain and made them stupid so that our mains could win. And the reason for some of the villain's limitations was barely explained. Imagine an assassin out to slit someone's throat, but instead of just doing that, they decide to drive around with the target and monologue at them. It's dumb and a waste of fucking time!

Overall, this was a decent read until the end. It also didn't provide much of a conclusion to the series even though this is supposed to be the end. So I'm assuming Schwab wanted to keep the door open for future books while also not committing to them. That's fine. I like the more-or-less standalone nature of these books. If there are more books, I'd be up for them, but if not, that's fine too because I've enjoyed this series. I haven't been very interested in Schwab recently, and this is a good place to stop if that's what I end up doing.