A review by ldv
More Than It Hurts You by Darin Strauss


When I'm borrowing audiobooks from the library, I prefer unabridged books because abridgements usually let me down. Here's a time when an abridgement would have been beneficial.

Other Goodreads reviews suggested that this book would get better after the initial introductions. It didn't.

The character developments were so long and indepth! They got very boring. And though eventually the detailed background of Darlene Stokes did become relevant, there was just too much character development overall. (Which makes me wonder why only the social worker never got a personality background.) Too much character thinking, too many diatribes and tangents by the author (did he think he'd never get a chance to publish again and thus include all of his essays on all sorts of topics in this one volume?!), too many characters to follow, it got boring and stayed that way. I cared about none of the protagonists (not the mother, the father, the doctor, or her father) and so I didn't care at all what happened.

So glad to be done this one.