A review by thelibrarylady42
Princess of the Silver Woods by Jessica Day George


*Copy provided by Net Galley*

Oh Jessica Day George how I love you. I wish you would write books for all 12 princesses. I understand not wanting to commit to 12 books but how I will miss King Gregor's lovely daughters.

There is something about reading a final book in a series that makes it wonderful and bittersweet. If it's a good series you know it must end but you can't help wanting more. That is exactly how I felt as I prepared to say good-bye to my favorite dancing princesses. I knew that the story had to end sometime because eventually the cast of characters would get ginormous (that is in fact a literary term.) Okay not really but spell check recognized it. Already the cast was getting quite large and I found myself having to stop and think which prince went with which princess.

I would have liked to see Petunia and Oliver together more simply because they were just so adorable together. I like that they didn't fall instantly in love (it was quick but not instant). I'm old and cranky and insta-love annoys me sometimes.

The thing that I love most about these books, the Dragon series as well, is that George creates strong female characters that don't have to beat the snot out of people to prove that they are strong and smart. Don't get me wrong I love a good Katniss but it's nice to see strong young women who aren't violent. Petunia and her sisters are smart and strong and that is what attracts young men to them. In a world of YA relationships that are of questionable value it's nice to see relationships that grow out of mutual respect and actually getting to know a person.

Verdict: Book is already on order. I am often selling George's books to young girls and boys who are looking for adventure and wholesome fun. They are very popular in my library.