A review by lattes_lipstick_literature
Classic Monsters Unleashed by James Aquilone


*I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily*
Hello Fellow Readers,

I actually started reading this a while ago as I wanted to do this review for Halloween, but life got in the way (as it always does). I finally finished it and I am so happy that I did. I loved the different takes on each Monster. This anthology was so refreshing as I was getting tired of all the same monster horror tropes and knowing exactly how each story was going to end. Like most Anthologies, I did like other stories more than others, but that is always expected. Each author's reimagined monster added something new to the monster genre. I'm glad I wasn't left feeling disappointed or let down when I finished this book and will be looking up a lot of the authors that contributed to this book.

Overall, a new exciting take on the Classic Monsters in Horror.