A review by witandsin
The Damsel and the Daggerman by Delilah S. Dawson


My review cross-posted from Wit and Sin: http://witandsin.blogspot.com/2014/06/review-damsel-and-daggerman-by-delilah.html

If you want a taste of Delilah S. Dawson’s marvelous Blud series, The Damsel and the Daggerman is a good place to start. With intrepid reporter Jacinda Harville as your guide, you can experience Sangland’s most intriguing band of carnivalleros. Front and center are Jacinda and Marco, two mature, intelligent protagonists who intrigued me from the beginning. Jacinda’s a widow who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it, even if she has to go toe-to-toe with infamous Bludman Criminy Stain in order get her story. Marco, in turn, is a man with a mysterious past and a talent for handling blades. I loved unwrapping the mystery that was Marco alongside Jacinda, although I did feel that the revelations concerning Marco’s past – and significant exploration into his and Jacinda’s characters – were a bit rushed due to the length of the story. Still, Jacinda and Marco are excellent both on their own and as a pair, and it was delightful getting to see the beginnings of their romance.

The Damsel and the Daggerman takes place between the second and third books in Ms. Dawson’s Blud series, and it certainly fed my craving for Blud – ;) – as I waited for Wicked After Midnight to be released. Fans of the series need not fear missing some of their favorite characters, for Criminy’s carnivalleros all have entertaining cameos. That being said, ringmaster and Blud hero extraordinaire Criminy Stain does steal every scene he’s in, and to a lesser degree so does contortionist Demi Ward. Normally this wouldn’t bother me, but since The Damsel and the Daggerman is a novella and Marco and Jacinda were unknown entities, I would have liked to see them be the stars of their own show. Still, as a bridge between Blud stories or simply as a sample of the world, The Damsel and the Daggerman is excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and reading any tale set in Criminy’s world is time well spent.

Note: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.