A review by loveinpanels
Wrong Bed, Right Roommate by Rebecca Brooks


This book was a delight. Writing this review has taken me a while only because I've been sitting here wondering how to describe something that hit all of my happy buttons... I've decided that the best way to tell you about it is just to tell you about the buttons. Here goes!

Button #1: Neighbors/Roommates
I adore this trope. It's forced proximity, which means that the two protagonists must deal with each other. AND it means that if they want to bang, they're frequently tempted. Author Rebecca Brooks takes it even further by adding in some of those early morning "let's make breakfast together" moments. The result is both filthy and sweet.

Button #2: Enemies to Lovers/Best Friend's Brother
Now that I'm listing them out, this book is just hella tropey?! The hero is taking over a sublet for his sister, who is the heroine's best friend for decades. This means that there's plenty of history, and in this case? It's not great. When Jessie was a shy teenager, her friends had crushes on Shawn, Talia's older brother. Unfortunately... Shawn slept with one of those friends. Then dumped her. And slept with the other one. Talia and Jessie remained friends, but there's always been a very clear line - DO NOT SLEEP WITH SHAWN.

Button #3: A Hot Mess Trying to Turn His Life Around
But now, Shawn is a grownup. He's been disappointing employers and partners, himself and his family for years. And now he's ready to make a change. He has a real job, with real responsibilities and a future. He might even be able to have a real relationship with Jessie, assuming Talia doesn't find out...

Button #4: Mature Adults Talk About Things
Thank goodness the bleak moment only lasts a chapter or two. Because we knew Talia was going to find out, right? And we knew she was going to be angry and everything would blow up. But we didn't know that Talia would *spoiler* and then everything would work out. (It's a romance, we knew about the HEA.)

Button #5: Scorching Sexytimes
All this angst and drama is glued together by some really well-written sex. There's a scene with a toy and it's *flames emoji.* There's a scene in a stairwell that is get-fired-and-not-care hot.

Here's how much I loved this book - I finished it at around 1:00 am and then went to the internet to find and buy Brooks' previous books.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review via NetGalley.