A review by michhellongrace
One True Thing by Nicole Hayes


I had wanted to read this book since I first saw the cover reveal on twitter a few months ago, don’t judge me we all love nice covers. Researching further I discovered that this book is an Australian YA Contemporary set in my home city of Melbourne. The beautiful cover, book set in my home city what else do I really need? I was already sold but then the book went deeper taking on topics of family and politics. I’ve been interested in politics for a while , I know it’s a subject that can bore a lot of people but trust me this book mixes it well with drama and family relationships that it is not boring at all.

A lot happens in this book, the main character Frankies mum runs for Premier of Victoria so everyone is under the pump trying to campaign. Hanging over everyone is the possibility a sleazy journalist has some real dirt on Frankies mum and when some questionable photos emerge of her mum and a young man together everything in her life shifts balance.

Frankie also has to try and manage her band of which she is the creator and guitar player to get organised before battle of the bands. However this proves difficult when her best friend Kessie is keeping a secret from her and acting distant and a new guy Jake shows up claiming to want to interview the band, but he may have other plans.

One of the things I loved most about this book was that even though it had a romantic aspect to it it focuses more on friendships and family relationships, but I didn’t like how Frankie treated her family a lot of the time. Things start to get really difficult for Frankies family with the media hounding them and Frankie blames it all on her mum. Atop that she is angry with her father for sticking by her mum instead of her and has to try and protect her younger brother from everything that’s going on. I found Frankie to be very selfish throughout most of the book. I have to admit I’d probably act a little bit selfish if I was in her situation and only 17 at the time but reading it I thought she overreacted a bit. She fought with basically every character in this book except her younger brother.

To be honest though Frankies selfishness and self-centered behaviour was the only thing that really pulled the story down for me and I feel that could all be attributed to the characters age. Other components of the book that are really note-worthy were that it had two lesbian characters in the form of Frankies friends Kessie and Tyler and they played an important part in the band drama that Frankie has to deal with but also supporting her in her life. Luke, Frankies younger brother also suffers terribly from asthma and the family is always worried about his breathing this is another reason why Frankie feels she has to protect him and I loved the bond between these characters.

Overall I’d recommend this book to people after a good family and friendship oriented contemporary and for those f you after more good Australian YA books. If you’d like to know more about my thoughts or the book in general please don’t hesitate to ask.