A review by deanashuman
The Robber Bridegroom by Eudora Welty


I chose to read this for 2 reasons : I played Rosamund in the musical and had never read the book, and I'm trying to blow through some quick novels before the end of the year to meet my reading goal for the year.

This is a fun and wildly exaggerated fable that, admittedly, has some plotlines that haven't exactly aged well (I'll skip the spoilers, but think rape, fighting Inguns, boastful talk of owning 100 slaves...you get the idea).

That said, Welty's descriptions of the forests, the sky, and of nature in general are really stunning. The characters are painted quickly but clearly, and with comforting predictability (evil stepmother and her goat-man sidekick...handsome bandit...beautiful innocent daughter...). It reads much like a fable. I thoroughly enjoyed it.