A review by thisandthatwithkaren
Silent Knit, Deadly Knit by Peggy Ehrhart


Silent Knit, Deadly Knit is the 4th instalment in the “ A Knit & Nibble” Mystery by Peggy Ehrhart. I like this series and enjoyed this book.

When murder silences the Christmas cheer in charming Arborville, New Jersey, Pamela and her Knit and Nibble pals must unravel the most bone-chilling mystery this side of the North Pole . . .

Pamela has been in merry spirits since her artsy daughter Penny returned home from college for the holidays. But their mother-daughter bonding time gets cut short when a terrified Penny stumbles upon the dumped body of Millicent Farthingale, a wealthy craft shop owner who was popular for all the wrong reasons. From a scheming business partner to a seedy husband several years her junior, Millicent attracted scammers so in love with her assets, they’d toss her down a chimney to get their paws on them. Now, with only a hand-knit red scarf connecting the killer to the crime, Pamela and the Knit and Nibblers could use some extra creativity as they find out who’s really naughty or nice in Arborville—because going up against a looming culprit is DIY or die!

The cast of characters are likable and I enjoy the friendship between Pamela and her neighbours Wilfred and Bettina. The mystery seemed to not be the main focus of this book but rather on the characters. The mystery was good, lots of twists and turns and red herrings which kept me guessing till the end. I wouldn't say this is a fast read like some of the cozies I read but one I read over several days.

I look forward to reading the next installment.

I requested and received an Advanced Reader Copy from Kensington Books via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.