A review by lalabristow
Labyrinth by Kat Richardson


{Previously Published on my blog: Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life"
Rating: 2 & 1/2 stars!

*Contains minor spoilers if you haven’t read the previous books.

Labyrinth starts off right where Vanished let off. Harper is back from the whole mess that happened in London to find that things haven’t been peaceful at all at home.

The Vampire Leader of the city is missing, his assistant has gone to his rival’s Wygan’s side, Harper’s dad’s ghost is in captivity and her life along with everything she loves is in danger, again.

I was really looking forward to this new installment of the Greywalker series, but I have to say I was disappointed. One of the things I was really happy about was that Harper was coming back and I was finally going to see some Harper and Quinton interaction. Quinton was amazing and at his most supportive and loving, however Harper was so cold that it really bothered me.

Quinton was right there, ready to do anything for her, loving her and she couldn’t even say she loved him? After everything they have been through? I don’t get that. Ok, I get that she has been closing herself off and that she has lost people she loved, but it was just too much coldness for me.

The action was quite interesting and the plot was very intricate taking the stakes higher than they have ever been for Harper and her friends. Though I have to say that the pace was a bit slow at times and I had to keep pushing myself to through the book.

The ending was undeniably a surprise and it left a nice cliffhanger, I am very curious as to where Kat Richardson is planning to take the series. I just hope Harper warms up some, I really need her to be less cold so I can really get into her plea.

All in all, Labyrinth was far from my favorite book in this series, but it was an interesting read. Even though it had it’s shortcomings, I do recommend the Greywalker series to Urban Fantasy lovers!