A review by lunarchfey
Mélusine by Sarah Monette


4/5 Stars

This book is a hot mess, much like its main protagonist, and I love it. Hear me out: my opinion is certainly colored by the fact that as a whole the series comes together quite nicely, but of the four books, Mélusine is the weakest and weirdest and most difficult to read. I recall it being at the very least alarming to get through (at first, reading it, like, holy zero to bad decisions everywhere) and it took a while to find my footing amidst the complex worldbuilding and the heavy narrative styles. However!

If you're here for an extremely vivid setting, very unique character voices, a bizarrely complex gay wizard protagonist, and a thief with a gutter mouth and the most thoughtfully sweet personality... then stick it out. These books and these characters are vivid and memorable, and even while other books have passed out of mind aside from faint fond recollections, this one stays sharp.

SpoilerFor a great deal of explicit rape. It really hits you in the face with it early in the book, which is probably the most uncomfortable you'll be until late in the 4th book -- and some of the abject misery of the first book does lighten up on the whole as well. I'm not one for torture porn. It gets better.