A review by sarahoretsev
Everyday Angel: Three Novels by V.E. Schwab


Story 1: ✰✰✰✰
Story 2: ✰✰
Story 3: ✰✰✰

This collection is quite obviously Victoria Schwab in her early days, as her writing has become much more sophisticated and immersive since; but the typical traits we enjoy in more recent Schwab novels of mystical magic and tough leading ladies are all here. This is also a middle grade book, so that may have subconsciously affected my engagement with the stories, although I try not to judge middle grade books in that way as I'm fully aware I'm not the target audience.

The first story was genuinely very enjoyable, and the idea of Aria being a guardian angel to Gabby, who's brother Marco was sick with cancer, was extremely emotive and believable. I loved that storyline and thought it was very well written, reminding us that when people are sick, their families need help and support too. The second story was what took this collection down for me, as I thought it was convoluted and then all wrapped up far too neatly in a way that didn't make sense. But the third story saved this collection, once again being an important story about insight to yourself, and the final scene of Aria seeing all 3 girls she had helped in order to get her wings was very well done.