A review by abchu
Death by Dressage by Carolyn Banks


My horse trainer recommended me this book and let me borrow her copy since there aren't many horse related mysteries out there. I've never read a mystery book so far so I was intrigued.

Overall, this book was okay. I would only recommend it as a light, fun read. There are definitely a lot of issues I have with the book. This book was published back in 1993 so I found some of the writing a bit outdated in terms of body image.

The story is written in a first person point of view so we get to hear Robin Vaughan's thoughts. Similar to what the reviewer Faye wrote, her character discusses a lot about being fat, overeating, body image issues, etc. It frustrated and sadden me to read that. I understand though the book was written during a time where there was no body positivity movement and the equestrian community can be fatphobic towards women; but after a while I found it to be a bit whiny and just further highlighted the protagonist's incredibly low self-esteem.

Another issue I had with this book was that Carolyn Banks' writing is very telling, and not showing. I would also argue that the plot jumps around fairly quickly (hence why I'd say this is a light read) with very little set up of the other characters. I read this book within less than a week, but even towards the end of the book I couldn't tell the difference between some of the minor characters Banks wrote about just a couple of chapters before. This doesn't allow the reader to visualize or understand the other characters very well.

If the author had spent more time fleshing out both her story and characters, it would've been more enticing as a mystery. Also, there would've been better set ups for each minor character as a possible suspect. I will not spoil the murderer in this review, but I also felt that the ending was rushed and it wasn't super clear as to why the murderer killed Veronika Ballinger and what her motives were. Again it was a failed opportunity to further grow the plot and the characters.

While I did appreciate Banks attempt to explain some riding for possible non-horse readers, I was slightly annoyed how she described it in a self deprecating manner as part of Robin's character. Overall, I will say I thought this book was okay as a light read. It's definitely not the worst or best book I've read, but for any horse lover that wants a mystery it's worth a fun, short read.