A review by amyextradot
The Morning Show Murders by Al Roker, Dick Lochte


I honestly read this for my book challenge book of: a book with a time of day in the title. It was available digitally from my library and I'd just finished Time Phantom: Amsterdam, and needed something light and silly.

This fit the bill.

Some detractors were scoffing at Al Roker's supposed "views" of himself: a ladies man, a chef ( I guess?) a "balder and slightly heavier Denzel..." Whatever, I didn't read it because it was by Al Roker, who if I passed him on the street, he *might* make me do a double take. And honestly, there's a co-author, how much do you really think he wrote??

This is a light romp through a murder mystery, the drama around running a high-end restaurant, and the inane morning-show sub-culture. Will I read the next book?

Shut up. I already am.