A review by tashenone
Bear Head by Adrian Tchaikovsky


The Path to Dystopia

Cyberpunk has become quite the prolific genre in the modern-to-postmodern landscape. PKDs dreaming androids, Gibson’s console cowboys, and Stephenson’s couriers/pizza delivery guys all paved the way for the development of the cybernetic augmentation and corporate control of the present metaverse. One thing that these trailblazing works lack however is the prologue to their respective dystopias. How did these worlds become so? Enter Tchaikovsky and his bioforms. This near-future novel answers this question of how a cyberpunk world could come to be and poses something even more compelling; If this were happening in reality, would we even notice? The sequel to Dogs of War is even more intriguing and insightful as it paints an all too realistic picture of how humanity may handle our own terrible creations.