A review by abeckstrom
The Games of Supervillainy by C.T. Phipps


Like it's predecessor in the series, Games of Supervillainy compares favorably to books like Soon I Will Be Invincible and the D-List Supervillain series. I'd put it on par now with those other books/series. It was entertaining if you are now or ever were a fan of super hero comics and/or movies.

The main character, Merciless, hasn't gotten any more likable since his last outing, but his supporting cast is starting to make up for his shortcomings. Diabloman and his (Merciless, not Diabloman) cloak, in particular, kept me engaged.

Phipps seems to be improving at his craft as well. I laughed much more this time around and enjoyed the geeky references peppered throughout the book.

Narrator Jeffrey Kafer is very well suited for the role and I really like the combo of Phipps/Kafer. I've enjoyed his performances of the D-List Supervillain books as well as Phipps' first book in the Saga of Supervillainy. He brings his trademark level of snark and believability to his reading.

***Full Disclosure: I was voluntarily provided this free review copy audiobook by the author, narrator, or publisher.