A review by tommyhousworth
No Need for Speed: A Beginner's Guide to the Joy of Running by John Bingham


Any book that makes me feel good for my 11 minute mile pace is worthy of at least four stars right out of the gate.

John Bingham, who writes monthly columns for Runner's World, woke up one morning - in his late 30's or early 40's, I believe - to discover he was a mess. He was overweight, hooked on cigarettes, and booze, and couldn't even get up the stairs without huffing and puffing.

So, he started running. Months later, he was a testament to what healthy living can do. Known as "The Penguin", he encourages would-be joggers/runners simply to lace up and get out, not worried about beating a Kenyan to the finish line, but setting your own goals, and going as slow as you want - just so you're going.

He speaks to all the usual subjects - proper shoes, injuries, form, and programs to get you up to a steady mileage. He does so with humor and gentle inspiration. You never feel like he's bragging about how he turned his life around - just reminding you that if he could do it, anyone can.

A great book for anyone who wants to take to the road for a run, but isn't sure how to get started - or if they are truly 'right' for the running life.