A review by kidclamp
Flight to Arras by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Although I am not a huge fan of non-fiction, I always seem to enjoy Saint-Exupery. I have read Night Flight and Wind Sand Stars in the past, and reading this one reminded me how much I enjoyed those books

The book covers the author's thoughts during a reconnaissance run during World War II. As he flies over the countryside he reflects on the war, the usefulness/futility of his mission, the disruption of the lives of civilians, and the role of man in society and his Nation.

The stream of consciousness writing wrapped in one event reminded me a lot of the Mezzanine, though considering timing this one should get preference in the similarity. Either way, the description of the citizenry, war administration, and effects of war itself were gripping and managed to have a sense of lightness.

Reading these memoirs I always wonder why the author is mainly remembered for Little Prince and not his adult gems.