A review by averyrose
Concealed Power by K.J. Colt


I find this book fascinating in that I only enjoyed reading about half of it, but that was because of the talent of the author (a stranger sentence I'm sure I cannot recall having earnestly written). The book starts when the narrator is quite young, and the thoughts and feelings seem to genuinely be coming from a ten year old. That, of course, made it dull, teeth grittingly frustrating, and intriguing all at once.
I only truly enjoyed the story once the character began to grow and see the world with increasingly adult eyes, and as such it felt like I was a part of this character's journey out of her childhood innocence. I'd like to read the next books in the series to continue watching this transformation. Terrible things have happened to Adenide, I believe they will continue to do so, and as long as I can watch her utterly believable growth into adulthood in spite of and because of these things, I'll happily join her.