A review by 8797999
The Big Nowhere by James Ellroy


Superb. The second entry to the LA Quartet and my second experience of James Ellroy. What a story, I thoroughly enjoyed it and it was a very thrilling read with some superb characters and several unexpected twists to the plot. Not one for the feint hearted. I really liked Danny as a character and for some reason Dudley Smith. He is a very good villain and easy to hate but also somewhat charming (in my opinion).

I would have liked it to be a bit deeper into the communism side of things but as far as the investigation went it was edge of your seat, full of lies, blood and corruption. Very visceral.

The next in the series is LA Confidential and I think many have that pegged as the best of the quartet so I am looking forward to experiencing it, I haven’t seen the film so am going in with preconceptions.